About Us
Since 2013, Gathering Voices Society has advanced solutions for two key problems facing Indigenous Peoples in Canada: a lack of sustainable livelihood opportunities and ecological degradation that threatens cultural and ecological values.
To address these problems, Gathering Voices Society facilitates environmental stewardship programs, to empower Indigenous Peoples to directly address ecological degradation, and create sustainable livelihood opportunities for community members.
A new strategic vision in 2015, set out by Tyson Atleo and Dr. William Nikolakis in collaboration with the Board of Directors, including John Jack, Tara Atleo and Jennifer Brennan, confirmed this focus.
The first projects built funding mechanisms for tribal parks in Ahousaht and Tla-o-qui aht First Nations on Vancouver Island. Since then, the work has broadened to include fire stewardship programs in the central interior of British Columbia with the Yunesit’in and Xeni Gwet’in First Nations.