An online platform designed and delivered by Gathering Voices Society to share knowledge and build awareness of environmental stewardship programs for Indigenous Canadians
Project Overview
Gathering Voices Society presents The First Nations Ecosystem Management Network (FNECO.NET), a knowledge-sharing platform designed to support broader awareness of environmental stewardship programs and best practices to create practical and sustainable livelihood for Indigenous Canadians.
FNECO.NET was initiated in 2016, with a focus on supporting Indigenous-led stewardship programs in Clayoquot Sound and Tŝilhqot’in territories. The first project involved an Environmental Management and Stewardship (EMS) webinar series developed in collaboration with Indigenous stewardship experts. These experts acted as mentors with the communities, facilitating knowledge transfer and capacity building.

Context and Purpose
Environmental stewardship programs cover a range of activities, including land rehabilitation, environmental monitoring, and more technical ecological services, such as water quality preservation and carbon sequestration.
FNECO.NET is a one-stop resource that guides communities from the initial step of generating ideas about environmental stewardship programming all the way to providing mentorship and practical advice on project achievement. Communities can learn what has worked for other First Nations, and benefit from resources that are available to support them on their own journey.
As a platform that is freely available to First Nations across Canada, the FNECO.NET is designed to leverage learned best practices, implement EMS programs, and build resilient ecosystems and communities.